Friday, December 26, 2008

Bah Humbug!

Is it sad to be happy that Christmas is over? Even while Paul is wishing it could be Christmas again today and Santa would come back I'm already relishing the next 364 days until we have to do this again. But here's some cute pictures from Christmas Eve at Aunt Jody's house with the cousins. Here's all the cousins decorating cookies for Santa.
Kala helping Christy decorate a cookie. David's is long gone and eaten.

Seth licked more frosting off the knife than he spread on a cookie. Lets hope he didn't double dip!

Paul enjoying his delicious cookie.

This is the boys' idea of posing. Guess who's the diva? Cousin Emma while Hannah barely makes it into the picture.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rachel, I'm so glad you guys started a blog! I will check in often to see what's up with the Rees' Pieces!
