Sunday, June 28, 2009

I'm A Monster!!!!

Still catching up! Poor baby! This happened the beginning of May. David had a molar coming in and it had been sore for a couple of days. Then one morning he wakes up and looking like this. Then he proceeds to tell me this story. He said, "Mom I woke up and I went into the bathroom, and I looked in the mirror, and (in his best Frankenstein voice) I was a Monster!" So of course I made him an appointment that day to see the dentist who started him right away on antibiotics.

But within two days he looked like this and it was getting worse. So we ended up in the ER where they prescribed him another antibiotic and sent him home. That one didn't help either and the swelling was starting to go above the eye which can be very dangerous so we ended up back in the ER the next day as well.

This is him in the ER. He ended up getting an IV antibiotic and a lovely nurse who got blood all over the place when she put the IV in. He was a trooper and eventually the swelling went down and the infection got under control after 4 different antibiotics and the IV. A week and a half later he went into the dentist to get a 'baby' root canal. Who knew an abyss tooth could wreak so much havoc.

1 comment:

  1. Poor kid, that must have been so scary for him! Glad they finally figured it out!
