Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Paul's Preschool Graduation

Paul is such a cutie! When I started blogging I promised myself I wouldn't be one of those people who never updated for months at a time and yet here I am in late June. I have a sticky note on my computer with a list of things I need to blog about. So here I am trying to catch up. First on the list is Paul's preschool graduation which took place at the end of April. :) At first I thought it was a little silly to have a preschool graduation but it turned out soooooo cute. The kids were in their little cap and gowns and came out the Eye of the tiger song, one of Paul's favorites with boxing gloves.
So glad to have grandparents close by to share in these kind of experiences.

I don't think Paul takes a bad picture. Here he is looking cute with both his dad and grandpa.

They did some songs as a class. He went to a preschool program at the local high school where students are involved in their classes. So their graduation was held in the high school gymnasium up on the stage with spotlights and sound systems and everything. We even got a DVD of the ceremony.

Paul brought us all to tears though. Each student had a chance to sing a song. Here is Paul singing the ABC's. While several of the children were too shy to perform when it came time Paul had no problem at all. Then the Ms. Libby, his wonderful teacher, had each of them introduce themselves and she would ask them, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" She got many responses that were cute such as a princess, a mermaid, a baseball player, and Batman. When it was Paul's turn and she asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up he said, "I want to be just like my dad!" You just can't get a better answer than that. We love you Paul! Kindergarten better get ready because Paul is on his way. :)

1 comment:

  1. I bet he was adorable singing that song! He has so much personality!
