Okay so be forewarned these are our family pictures and there are so many that I love that I posted a bunch. So turn back now if you do not want to see my adorable family ;D
They did a nice one but I just love this silly one where they all struck a pose. Below is the cute one.
My cute girl and I...can I just say again how much I love having a daughter???
My handsome men. How could anyone not love those faces. I don't think I'm going to like it when they start dating!!!!
Josh and I got a good one this year...and Josh wasn't even making any faces!
I can't believe how much David has grown, in all aspects of his life. He's extremely intelligent, very patient with his siblings, always does awesome at school, growing in his spirit as well, and just the biggest little kid that a mother could love!!!
Paul is my photogenic one. He never takes a bad picture and always looks handsome. I worry about him and the girls. He's the enforcer in our home, good and bad, and wants everyone to follow the rules. He loves his dad and doing anything outside or in the garage with his dad. He has great spatial abilities just like his father. Oddly enough he's the only one who has any of my coloring. Go figure!
Seth is the biggest bundle of happy energy that you will ever meet. Needless to say he always has to be doing something which sometimes lands him in trouble. He is very bright and learns things immediately after exposure and retains everything. He loves elephants and has a memory like one as well. We didn't realize he needed glasses until halfway through the year after a screening came back. Now he can see and what a little cutie pie in his glasses.
Lauren is my little angel...well she looks like one anyway right?! She is getting so big and just loves to help me with anything. She thinks cooking and folding laundry are fun! She's a girly girl who loves to have her nails done and buy new shoes but she can hold her own with her brothers. She's gonna be a tough cookie like her mama. She's a bit of a firecracker but I don't know where she gets it from...(feigned innocence)
Last picture I promise. All these pictures were taken in my dad's front yard and this last one in the back. I love the arbor he built around his grapes. With all the green it looks really cool. He's a hard worker and runs himself to the ground (even at 70 doing more than most 40 year olds) and then has the audacity to tell me to slow down and not get so stressed. Sure dad I'll do as you say and not as you do(wink wink) I love my dad! And I would be remiss if I didn't throw a shout out to Leigh for helping me pick out coordinating outfits that don't match...from the wardrobe I already had on hand. I always buy new outfits for pictures and usually do dress clothes but decided to do pictures in June so opted for casual coolness. These were taken about 10 days after my surgery so I wasn't 100% yet and hadn't even been out of the house so I couldn't shop. So Leigh helped me pick from our clothes and I have to say they couldn't have turned out any better if I had actually gone shopping! And of course thank you to Heather Gibbons (photographer extraordinaire). She always gets the best family pictures!
Drive In Movie Theater Near Me Halloween
3 years ago
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