Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lauren's 1st Birthday Party!

Lauren is such a cutie. She can be such a serious, studious baby sometimes but when she smiles it's just adorable. We had a barbecue for her birthday and invited some friends and family. The weather was perfect, the kids got to play outside in a little pool with a slide and Lauren was entertained by some family members.

Sharing the cake with everyone. She did not eat one bite of cake but she sure tore through it and left a hefty mess on the ground.

What girl doesn't like chocolate cake? This one apparently.

Pretty, pretty princess sitting on her throne, or more accurately, Grandma's lap in front of all her presents.

Her brothers helped her blow her candle out. She kept grabbing for it. I was afraid she was going to burn her fingers.

Saying thank you for all my presents. Now she actually has some pink, girl toys to play with.

Happy, Happy Birthday Lauren dear, Happy days will come to you all year. If I had a wish that it would be a happy, happy birthday to you from me! Love you baby!


  1. I love the decorations on her chair. So cute!!!

  2. She is so adorable! And she is getting so big! Looks like she had a lot of fun.
