So I've been wanting to take the kiddos to Legoland for over a year now. There's a special teacher discount coupon that I had last year and didn't get to use. SO this year I decided to make it happen! So on the very last weekend we could possibly use it in May we went! We couldn't afford to get a hotel or stay the night but I was happy that we finally got to go. A family of 6 gets expensive for anything! Seth had just gotten his glasses and we were laughing at how much he now looks like David.
This was by the dinosaur when we first got there. There are so many cool things to see and do there and we went on a beautiful day.
Harry Potter and Hagrid, how exciting! Okay so I'm easily excited these days but Hagrid made out of legoes is pretty cool.
Of course the huge Star Wars section was a huge favorite of my family. Suprise suprise!
They had a line of independent statues and each child got to pick which one they wanted a picture with. I love the Ewok too!
Of course Yoda is pretty awesome too, not suprised Paul picked him.
I think Seth copied David but they both liked the Ewok.
Of course my cutie pie picked Princess Leia, because she's awesome!
Dad had to take a picture by Darth Vader and his posse.
Awwww my whole cute family. I have super handsome boys and one cute little girly-girl. I'm a lucky momma!
Drive In Movie Theater Near Me Halloween
3 years ago
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