Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My little angel is 1!

I can't believe it's been one year since my beautiful little angel was born. Since it's been a year and I can now laugh about how she was born I want to tell the story of her exciting birth.

Lauren being the fourth child came quickly, even more quickly than we expected. I worked full time up until I was about 36 weeks pregnant and then it was spring break so I got a week off. I had been having lots of contractions and had even gone to the hospital twice before when the lovely contractions stopped and I was sent home both times. So when I started having contractions at 2am I figured I had plenty of time and decided to get as much sleep as I could. By 4am I realized the contractions were getting steadily worse and woke Josh up. We called my mother in law to come watch the boys but knew it would take her an hour to get to the house, so we called my mom as well and had her come right over. During this maybe 20 minute period the contractions were increasing exponentially and I told Josh I thought we should call an ambulance. Seth(our 3rd son) was born a mere 5 minutes after I was wheeled into the labor room. We had a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to the hospital with him with Josh driving about 90 miles an hour and blowing red lights and stop signs. I didn't really want to repeat that drive so I told him we needed to call an ambulance to be safe.
After a few more intense contractions Josh called for the ambulance. Ambulance 302 arrived along with a fire truck around 4:30 am. They tried to ask me some questions and as I was in transition I was a little short with the EMT's. So they decided to transport me to the hospital. My water hadn't broken so they thought they had plenty of time. Neither one had ever delivered a baby before. Jeffrey Allen was the EMT in charge and I'm sure hoping this would simply be a transport. They tried to insert an oxygen tube in my nose during a contraction and I almost punched the EMT. Thank goodness it wasn't my first baby and I knew what was going on. They were trying to time the contractions and I told them the baby was coming. So J. Allen checked and saw a crowning head. He asked his partner for some safety glasses. I guess he thought the baby would coming squirting out. Then he said, "Uhhh push" and with my next contraction Lauren was born. After having 3 boys the first thing I did was ask, "Is it still a girl?" and the EMT answered, "I don't know yet." I was a little concerned with that answer but he was totally focused on cutting and tying the umbilical cord.

They had not let Josh ride in the back of the ambulance so he was following behind the ambulance. So when we pulled into Desert Valley and they opened the Ambulance door the EMT was holding Lauren and they wheeled me into the hospital and carried her. I passed my placenta as they were wheeling me down the hallway which was a lovely experience.

They took Lauren into the nursery. Due to her traumatic entrance into the world she was taken directly to the nursery and put under the heat lamps and given oxygen. I had to go into the delivery room and wait for the Doctor to come check me out. He even sent me a bill later for the "delivery". It took about 3 hours after her birth but I was finally able to hold her. She was by far the smallest of my babies weighing in at 6 lbs 5oz. She was the sweetest little angel.

Anyone who has been around Lauren knows how serious a baby she is. She is a mama's girl and a sweetheart and finally has started smiling. She is our beautiful little angel and made quite the entrance into this world. I couldn't imagine not having a daughter and I can only hope that she and I have the same wonderful relationship that my mom and I have. Happy 1st Birthday Lauren!


  1. Beautiful said. Lauren is a little angel. She makes me laugh.

  2. I was hoping you would share the story after your comment on facebook. She is a beautiful little girl and I am glad you got your princess. Wow, quite a story.

  3. That sounds like an amazing experience. In some ways it seems like it could be a little better than being confined to a bed for hours with an IV. By the way, I would have fought that DR bill tooth and nail.
